Learning to drive


There's no doubt that learning to drive can be an extremely stressful situation for both the supervisor and the driver not to mention the car! Everybody knows this.


Our driving lessons will be structured and planned in accordance to your learning pace. Let's get the basics right first and then move forward when you're ready.

You'll be aiming to drive carefully and safely in no time at all and making decisions just like an experienced driver would.

After all you do need to be equipped with the best skills possible before you go ahead and drive independently which will be in 12 months time. There's no time to lose.


How does it work?


After our first meet up you'll get the opportunity to impress. 

No experience at all? No problem. We'll start at the very start.

Can drive a little bit already? Good, take us around the block and let us try to make you into an even better driver and iron out any "bad habits" you may have picked up along the way. 

A personal structured programme will be drawn up to suit each driver. Full explanations of each process to be taught will be given and you will then be given the chance to practice, learn and develop the technique further at your own pace. 

Feedback and support will be given along the way and obviously progress will be monitored throughout each lesson and across the whole program. 

The main aim to is be able to drive and to drive well. Not just for your test, not just during your P plates stages but for life.




I just wanted to let you know today I became the proud owner of p-plates, just wanted to say thanks for all the help you’ve given me to make me the safest driver I can be
— Jani July 2016
Couldn’t have done it without you Jon
— Xavier Sept 2016
John is a great teacher my son was at ease with him and had fun while learning how to drive. Thank you so much for your help John
— Tracey April 2016
Was originally with another instructor and he was going to quit but I found John and he got him through the whole process very smoothly. Now he’s passed everything and is a competant driver. GREAT JOB
— Claire November 2016